nicolas Meiers
Nicolas Meiers was born and raised in Luxembourg. He earned a Master's Degree in history, archaeology and german studies at the University of Freiburg, Germany, and a Doctor's Degree in Medieval History at the University of Luxembourg.

When he was 6 years old, he watched his father make and develop photos in the darkroom which he had installed in the basement of his home. inspired, nicolas would grab his father's camera (without saying a word) and discover the marvellous world of photography by himself.

After many trials and errors while experimenting with anologue SLR cameras and spending a tremendous sum of money on film developing, he would pursue his first own dSLR camera in 2006.

As Historian, Nicolas always had a strong interest in past photographic techniques: just before the first Covid-lockdown in 2020, when he did research for a historical novel set in the american civil war (1861-1865) he came across the collodion wetplate  photographic process. immediately, he fell in love with this old technique and still works on mastering the sometimes capricious process.

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